Local artists will turn a photograph into a classic oil painting that will become a family heirloom
20" X 15" 1 person, portrait-style (head and upper torso) $100 1 person, full torso/full length $150 each additional person $50 (portrait style) $75 (full length) 30" X 25" 1 person portrait-style (head and upper torso) $150 1 person, full torso/full length $200 each additional person $75 (portrait style) $100 (full length) Framing is not included, but is available (please contact us for information) painting requires from 2 to 3 weeks, depending on how busy we are and how complex your photograph is.
you can scan your photograph and e-mail it to vietyankee@yahoo.com (for obvious reasons this is the fastest method) or you can either fedex it or send my regular mail to: we cannot guarantee the safety of photographs, so never send us a precious original! |
Feel free to send a note to reed_schrichte@yahoo.com with
questions, comments, sound offs, flames, or arguments (in the Aristotlean sense).